Navneeth Sundar Ensemble
Navneeth Sundar is an Indian composer, pianist, songwriter and performer who directs music and performs for his band Navneeth Sundar Ensemble! English,Hindi,Malayalam,Tamil,Telugu “SINCE 105”
The beauty about the band SiNCE105 is that we are not restricted to a particular genre, We are open to experimenting with different genres Jhanu
JHANU is a Tamil rock band, the first of its kind to have successfully blended the energy of modern rock with the aesthetics of poetic Tamil Oorali
Oorali centers on songs which, they feel, portray the realities around people; an off shoot of Sadhana Centre for Creative Practice PUNKH
An Indian band experimenting with sub genres of hard rock & metal music; down to fusing grunge, rap & electronic music with classical Indian sitar hooks! English,Hindi,Malayalam,Tamil Ajay Sathyan Enroute
A very versatile singer, with many feathers in his cap. English,Hindi,Malayalam,Tamil Colour Chaos
With their sweet melodic riffs and high alaaps, Colour Chaos will surprise you with their fusion music! Krishna's Temple Rock
A six-piece band from Pondicherry that is renowned in the local scene for their unique genre of Carnatic Improvised rock! The Q8 Band
The band plays OCs as well as covers from popular Western rock bands; they also perform tracks from Bollywood, Tamil, and Malayalam movies English,Hindi,Malayalam,Tamil Neill Braganza Music
A three-piece LIVE band consisting of young and talented members playing indie, rock and pop English,Hindi,Kannada,Tamil Swaram Swaasam
"Music Can Change the world"we believes in this. We are the band can entertain new Ambience of sounds. Agneya
Through their music, the band believes they can bring back all the happiness that is lost in today's busy schedule of common people Shilpa Natarajan
Shilpa is well-versed in Indian Semi-Classical, Western Classical and Western Contemporary music; she can put you in a trance with her melodious voice Pithukuli
Conventional and funny - that''s how Pithukuli likes to describe itself; Pithukul has been fortunate to represent Chennai''s Indie music scene in festivals Pranetra
Pranetra is a Chennai-based band that performs four types/genres of music: instrumental, fusion, jazz and conventional/light music Load More