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Book LIVE BAND in India


3G is the first-time-ever coming together of three generations of a musical family of such lineage , feat. Grammy winner Padma Bhushan Vikku Vinayakram


These four extremely-talented musicians, when come together, weave magic; as they are all beautiful and glamorous, they evoke WOW!

Navneeth Sundar Ensemble
Navneeth Sundar Ensemble

Navneeth Sundar is an Indian composer, pianist, songwriter and performer who directs music and performs for his band Navneeth Sundar Ensemble!

Masala Coffee
Masala Coffee

The band whose sound will shake you to the core; as the name suggests, their music is lip-smacking and gives you kick to get you through the day!


JHANU is a Tamil rock band, the first of its kind to have successfully blended the energy of modern rock with the aesthetics of poetic Tamil


Oorali centers on songs which, they feel, portray the realities around people; an off shoot of Sadhana Centre for Creative Practice


An Indian band experimenting with sub genres of hard rock & metal music; down to fusing grunge, rap & electronic music with classical Indian sitar hooks!

Sensation Girls Band
Sensation Girls Band

Varsha tripathi is a versatile singer & rockstar performer. She can sing in various languages and she is best in audience interactions She also do unplugged


Dodo crew is a talented band formed in 2014 by group of musicians; the group is renowned for the song, Parakkiraen

Karthick Iyer
Karthick Iyer

Exploring answers to questions has been a rewarding 20+ year journey for Karthick Iyer, culminating in the creation of his own unique style of music!

Madras String Quartet
Madras String Quartet

Madras String Quartet, a 24-year-old musical group, still united and working towards creating soulful music!

Colour Chaos
Colour Chaos

With their sweet melodic riffs and high alaaps, Colour Chaos will surprise you with their fusion music!

Grasshopper Green
Grasshopper Green

Grasshopper Green is a jam band whose music straddles rock, funk, and folk, with a mix of English and Tamil lyrics that makes the crowd go mad everytime

John P Varkey and The Slowpedalers
John P Varkey and The Slowpedalers

A band, led by John Varkey, that plays folk fusion fused with contemporary blues and jazz moods to create a perfect fusion flavor!

Krishna's Temple Rock
Krishna's Temple Rock

A six-piece band from Pondicherry that is renowned in the local scene for their unique genre of Carnatic Improvised rock!