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Ganesh Kumaresh
Ganesh Kumaresh

Ganesh and Kumaresh are one of the leading exponents of Carnatic violin music; the duo's ability to play different genres creates a global appeal!

Suma Sudhindra
Suma Sudhindra

She is one of the acclaimed Veena players of the country today; trained under Veena maestros , Raja Rao and Chitti Babu!

Jayanthi Kumaresh
Jayanthi Kumaresh

The full fledged solo veena artist''s single-minded focus to master this instrument has earned her many awards

Singing Drums
Singing Drums

Sharing rhythm, getting in tune with each other and yourself, and forming a group consciousness to resonate is what Singing Drums is known for!

Sowmya Bhat
Sowmya Bhat

A superb professional, class musician, and a teacher who teaches both science and music.