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Locate is a new bee in the industry who is keen on fusing energetic yet simple sets and synthesizes a pleasant atmosphere Aggie Cardoso
He has been into music most of his life, spending his time going to see various bands and DJs perform Yuri
Been a dj all my life ... Even while i was 10 yrs old .... And I will continue to love it .. till i breathe my last. DJ Navin Rodrigues
Navin has spun at all of Goa''s hottest nightspots and one of his biggest moments include playing at Sunburn! DJ Ash
DJ Ashwin Alvares has been entertaining since 1997 and is a very versatile DJ besides being a talented LIVE musician and popular karaoke host! Sunil Goa
DJ Sunil is famous for playing at innumerable private yacht parties all over Goa Savio Baptista
Savio Baptista is a young and talented DJ from Goa; he has a tremendous skills of mixing and cutting music DJ Kriss Goa
Krissh Fernandes is one of the most popular names in Goa; he is also an official member of Goan Mafia Leon Pereira
Simplicity is the essence Leon exudes both in person and while performing; his shows and his monster beats will electrify and immerse you again and again Deejay Ravi
DJ Ravi is certainly a respected and influential freelance artist from Goa, playing a smooth flow of old favorite RnB and hip-hop tunes, and a lot more!