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Book Bollywood Singer in India

Nindy Kaur
Nindy Kaur

Nindy's voice is like a breath of fresh air and has already created an extraordinary resume, making her name synonymous to that of her singing talents

Ankita Mishra
Ankita Mishra

The 23 year old has always been passionate about music; recently, she has written a lot of rap songs and wants to get them recorded soon

Prreity Wadhwa
Prreity Wadhwa

Prreity Wadhwa, is a versatile singer from Delhi, who has been singing professionally from an early age. Her 2017 chartbuster "Kala Doriyan" earned rave reviews

Maanya Arora
Maanya Arora

The singer has released few covers online and has been highly appreciated by many big names of the music industry

Nidhi Kohli
Nidhi Kohli

An epitome of talent, Singer Nidhi Kohli is a renowned name in the music and entertainment world, who is known for her versatility and upbeat shows!

Simran Raj
Simran Raj

Simran Raj is an incredibly talented singer and has been a part of the Voice of Punjab Chhota Champ Season 2

Sonali Ajay Bahuguna
Sonali Ajay Bahuguna

Sonali Ajay Bahuguna is versatile singer, actor, and model who has performed several LIVE shows

Saloni Dhawan
Saloni Dhawan

Saloni can make a unique connection with the crowd. All she want is stage and a mic and she will work hard to make it worth their time.

Urvashiee Arora
Urvashiee Arora

Urvashiee Arora's soothing voice will ultimately lighten up your event and will give the audience a different feel!

Taz B
Taz B

She is a singer, lyricist, music composer, flight commandant and also a lawyer , where will one get such a complete package?


Nothing is like music so be ready too dance with me on my songs


This multi-talented girl from the capital city has stolen the hearts of many through her mind blowing performances!


Aditi is a multi-talented singer who knows how to engage with the audience in her electric performances


Simpal is a beautiful and talented singer who is known for her versatility; she has performed at numerous venues and shows across the country

Oshin Bhatia
Oshin Bhatia

A participant of The Voice, Oshin has received a lot of fame and praise from audience as well as the judges; her powerful voice is her key strength!