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Book Pop Live Band in Hyderabad, India


Threeory is an experimental fusion band that blends Indian classical with different sub-genres of world music

Alter Egoz
Alter Egoz

Alter Egoz has stayed true to the classic and contemporary rock since 2001; they are proudly Puritans, and will always be so!


PipeDreams is a collective of musicians that are a fluid group of people with a singular vision!

Rootz Band
Rootz Band

Rootz Band, from Hyderabad, has been performing for quite few years and made a niche brand name in the Sufi and Bollywood genres

The Playmores
The Playmores

Popular for a vast variety of songs, the band makes sure to keep updating its setlist to incorporate fresh and groovy hit numbers!

Audio League
Audio League

Audio League is in a league of its own; they emphasize on their ideology as they don't make music to compete but they do it because they love making music!

Judgment Day
Judgment Day

A six-piece hard rock/metal band hoping to make a difference in their city, with God-given talents and abilities!

Nixon & Noel
Nixon & Noel

We're a two piece band who aim to make your evenings a joyful one

Fieto and Fables
Fieto and Fables

It is an awesome acoustic setup that is rolling Hyderabad over with their beautiful music arrangements and multi-talented artists

Marcus Find A Gun
Marcus Find A Gun

Marcus Find A Gun is a four-piece project that performs the best of covers and original compositions

Beri Brothers
Beri Brothers

The brothers are trying to bring some fresh music to your ears by composing original tunes and cover songs in new ways

Jhaal moody Blues
Jhaal moody Blues

Playing soft and popping tunes, the band from Hyderabad is very well-known for its amazing and catchy tunes!

Rolling Creeper
Rolling Creeper

Rolling Creeper is a hard rock band that is hoping to make a difference inside today''s generation!

Highway Nine
Highway Nine

The band''s music will help you to connect to cloud 9 through its cleverly blended mashup of musical genres

Om The Acoustics
Om The Acoustics

Om the Acoustics is a two-piece band from Hyderabad that has been entertaining the audience with their soulful music for more than a year