These four extremely-talented musicians, when come together, weave magic; as they are all beautiful and glamorous, they evoke WOW! Bengali,English,Hindi,Kannada,Marathi,Ta... Sensation Girls Band
Varsha tripathi is a versatile singer & rockstar performer. She can sing in various languages and she is best in audience interactions She also do unplugged Bengali,English,Gujarati,Hindi,Marathi,P... Kutcheri Bwoyz
Kutcheri Bwoyz is a unique concept where musicians go beyond their boundaries and play incredible fusion music Templars
Templars is a unique band that performs in five different languages; it is an upcoming band from Mumbai! English,Hindi,Malayalam,Marathi,Tamil Ink of Bard
Ink of Bard is a three-piece band primarily releasing music to deliver a combination of soulful melodies!