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Book Live Band for Charity in Agra, India

KK Shukla
KK Shukla

The young and talented musician KK Shukla is not just a talented singer but an excellent stage performer who is also a part of a renowned live music band!


The band's motto is to spread the sound and make the world aware of its presence


Prayaas is a Agra-based multi-genre band that is gaining popularity as it deals in self compositions rather than cover song

Shivam and Prakash
Shivam and Prakash

Shivam and Prakash are the two brilliant musicians and singer who are hitting the music industry like a storm!

D Khurafat
D Khurafat

D'Khurafat is a multi-genre rap duo from Agra consisting. They blend Indian fusion and EDM beats with their rapping skills.


Shaan-e-taaj are a band from Agra and are popular for their cover songs of Bollywood and Sufi songs.