Trevon Dias

Trevon Dias

Does Trevon Dias smoke?: Yes Trevon Dias smoking.Does Trevon Dias drink alcohol?: Yes Trevon Dias in a party.

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Does Trevon Dias smoke?: Yes Trevon Dias smoking.Does Trevon Dias drink alcohol?: Yes Trevon Dias in a party.Trevon Dias is a fitness trainer and a health expert working in India.He started his career as a sales executive in Volkswagen, Goa in April 2016, and a year later, he was promoted as a brand manager in the same company.Trevon then worked at B-tonic as a client services manager in 2017, and in 2018, he started working as a client advisor at Gucci, Mumbai.Later, he started working as a fitness trainer and health expert. Trevon Dias in the gym.He participated in the TV reality dating show MTV Splitsvilla X3 in 2021 hosted by Sunny Leone and Rannvijay Singh.Dias is a dog lover, and he used to have a pet dog, Casper, who died in 2016. Trevon Dias with his pet dog.


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