My Compelling Story
The Mavyns is a LIVE band based out of the finance capital of India, Mumbai. The band got together after they listened to Martin Luthor King’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech. They quit their jobs and headed to an adventure to the incubator of melody, Goa. After a month of recording and a few months of playing LIVE at local Goan pubs, the Mavyns kickstarted their musical journey to stardom. Soon, they completed a four-city tour with the Supersonics, playing three different Hard Rock Cafes, releasing an album, and getting voted as the most promising indie act of the year by by Band Members: Vivek ‘Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll Nair – Vocals, Keyboards, Guitars
Being very smart, Vivek spends most of his time bickering and having intellectual discussions with the only other fellow who can somewhat match wits with him - namely his reflection. Most of his love songs were penned down during those emotional moments. He just changed the names later. Vivek's dream is to invent a time machine, so he can finally return home to the 60s. He hopes one day to own his own Dodo bird. He declines the fact that they are extinct. He also thinks Elvis is alive and spends most of his free time trying to find him in Goa. Pradeep ‘Superstar’ Mathews – Lead Guitars, Vocals
Pradeep is the 'blue-eyed boy' of the band. When not shredding solos for the Mavyns, Pradeep spends most of his time pursuing his real dream in life – Winning the 'Bob Dylan International Karaoke Championship'. The way he keeps practising, you can be sure it won't be long before he does. He also enjoys playing football and alligator wrestling and has been known to tinker in other physically taxing sports like Snakes & Ladders and Ludo. Kristofor Paul ‘Bad-Ass Chocolate Thunder’ Mendonca – Drummer, Percussionist, Vocals
Apart from band time, Kris enjoys long walks on the beach and candle light dinners. He also enjoys listening to Opera and reading Shakespeare. Most of the time, you will find Kris lying on his bed contemplating and watching the fan spin round. Varoon ‘Drama Queen’ Nair – Bassist, Vocals
Varoon prides himself on being the only bassist who can also play the harmonica. He also prides himself in his ability to talk when no one is listening. Varoon spends most of his free coming up with new ways to plug the hole in the ozone layer and finger painting. One day, Varoon hopes to open his own music shop in Antarctica. Timothy ‘I'll-make-you-an-offer-you-can't-refuse’ Lobo – Band Manager, Image Consultant
Looking for a fresh new challenge, he has taken over as manager of the Mavyns and has already started showcasing an essential part of being a legendary manager - throwing awesomely unforgettable BBQ’s. Unfortunately, he tends to eat a little more than the usual 15% commission when it comes to the food, something that needs to be reviewed on the contract.