Sudha Chandran

Sudha Chandran

Does Sudha Chandran smoke?: No.Sudha started dancing when was 3 and a half years old.

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Does Sudha Chandran smoke?: No.Sudha started dancing when was 3 and a half years old.She stood 1st in her 10th standard exams with 80%, but instead of taking science, she chose arts to pursue her career in dance.Unfortunately, she met with a road accident at the age of 17 in 1981 while coming back from Madras to Tiruchirapalli with her parents. It damaged her leg because of gangrene, due to which she lost a leg.She overcome her disability with the help of a prosthetic Jaipur Foot, took 3 years of physiotherapy to recover.Her comeback public dance performance in Mumbai on 28 January 1984, was so much appreciated that she was counted among Indias best Bharatnatyam dancers. After this, she started getting invitations for shows from all over the world.She started her acting career with a Telugu film Mayuri (1986), which was based upon her real life story.Same year, she won the National Film Award Special Jury Award for Mayuri.She is the founder of Sudha Chandran Academy of Dance, which has many branches in Mumbai and Pune.She is the vice-chairperson of National Association of Disabled Enterprises (NADE).


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