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LIVE BAND Solar Deity

Solar Deity

Solar Deity

With every release, the band has been stepping into various directions of black metal while retaining the base ideology intact

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60 - 90

mins of stage time


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My Compelling Story

Solar Deity is a LIVE band based out of the finance capital of India, Mumbai. It was invoked in 2011 by guitarist and vocalist, Aditya Mehta. The band started out as a studio project and released a few EPs and a single before performing LIVE rituals and spewing out terror on the holiest land on Earth. With every release, the band has been stepping into various directions of black metal while retaining the base ideology intact. Some of their EPs are In The Name of Satan (2012), Snowless (Single, 2012), The Darkness of Being (2012), and Devil Worship (2013). They are a true satanic black metal band. Some of their influences are Burzum, Blut Aus Nord, Immortal, Emperor, Inquisition, Darkspace, Deathspell Omega, Mgla, and Mayhem. Band Members: Aditya Mehta – Guitars, Vocals Yash Pathak – Drums Niraj Singh Chauhan – Guitars

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