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LIVE BAND Rhythm and Blues Band

Rhythm and Blues Band

Rhythm And Blues Band

A beautiful blend of rock and raaga accompanied by groovy drum patterns, high pitched vocals, beautiful guitar chords, and massive bass lines

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Performing Members


Off Stage Members

60 - 90

mins of stage time


can travel
Performing Language

My Compelling Story

Rhythm and Blues is a LIVE band based out of Goa, India. This fusion/pop/rock/funk/blues/rock n roll band has been in existence since 1995 and has an amazing repertoire to entertain any audience. They perform at weddings and various events at national and international levels. The band is best known for its magnificent and mesmerising performances. The six-piece band draw its influences from artists such as BB King, John Mayer, Eddie Van Halen, and much more. Band Members: Ignatius Rodrigues – Keyboards  Filipe Fortes – Bass Guitar Neil D'Cruz – Guitar, Vocals Lulu Fortes – Vocals Roswyn Fernandes – Drums Paul Po – Lead Guitar, Vocals