Pearl V Puri

Pearl V Puri

Does Pearl V Puri smoke?: No.Does Pearl V Puri drink alcohol?: No.Pearl hails from an affluent business with Punjabi background.

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Does Pearl V Puri smoke?: No.Does Pearl V Puri drink alcohol?: No.Pearl hails from an affluent business with Punjabi background.His mother gave him the name Pearl..When he was in 7th standard, he used to hear Kailash Khers songs that inspired him to write songs. He has written more than 100 songs.He had been in a 9-year long relationship with a girl when he was in Agra, when he was in 10th standard. She used to be a hardcore Shah Rukh Khan fan, which inspired him to become an actor.His strict father wanted him to join their family business, but he wanted to become an actor. To pursue his dream of becoming an actor, he left his cushy life and house in Agra and reached Mumbai, where he initially struggled a lot like any other newcomer.His father was very much against his decision of becoming an actor, but his mother always supported him and even gifted him a car on his birthday.His father was so upset about his decision to choose acting over their family business that he didnt talk to him for around 2 years.He started his career as a model and featured in commercials for popular brands such as- Maruti Ritz, Fair One Cream, Tata Docomo, Zen Mobile, Pizza Hut, Nestle Kit-Kat, etc.


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