Neet Mahal is an Indian actress and model who predominantly works in the Punjabi film industry. She is best known for appearing in the Punjabi films Takhatgarh (2022), Dulla Vaily (2019) and High End Yaariyaan (2019). In June 2022, she came into the limelight when she participated in the Indian marriage reality show Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti, which was telecasted on the Star Bharat channel. The show was also streamed on Dinsney+ Hotstar.In 2016, she appeared in the Kamli Yaar Di music video sung by the Punjabi singer Lakhwinder Wadali. She then appeared in the song GT Road by Veet Baljit in 2016, Straight Outta Mohali by Jimmy Kaler in 2017, Commitment by Virasat Sandhu in 2018, Baba Nanak by R Nait in 2019, and Gede Marda by Ravinder Grewal in 2020.In 2017, she appeared in the movie Hard Kaur. The poster of the movie Hard Kaur; Neet Mahal (first from right).In 2019, she was cast in the Punjabi film Gidhh. In 2020, she appeared in the movie Dhaani by MH1. In 2021, she appeared in the Comedy Series Ji Janaab telecasted on PTC Punjabi. Neet Mahal on the poster of the movie Dhaani.Neet Mahal remains very active on various social media platforms. She is followed by over 49k people on Instagram. On Facebook, she has over 689k followers. She often posts pictures and videos on social media to keep her fans entertained.In 2022, she participated in the Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti. In the show, 12 brides from different cities in India came to impress the Punjabi singer Mika Singh so that he could choose any one girl for the marriage. In the show, while introducing herself, Neet Mahal stated that she is fond of poetry. She joined the show as she hails from Chandigarh and Mika Singh is a Punjabi. She added in her introduction that she was a good combination of beauty with brains. Neet Mahal on the show Mika Di Vohti.