Mumbiker Nikhil

Mumbiker Nikhil

Does Mumbiker Nikhil smoke?: No.Does Mumbiker Nikhil drink alcohol?: No.He started riding bikes at the age of 15.

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Does Mumbiker Nikhil smoke?: No.Does Mumbiker Nikhil drink alcohol?: No.He started riding bikes at the age of 15.At the outset, he was a flight attendant in Qatar Airways and was living in Doha Qatar.He then came back to Mumbai and tried his luck in acting, he even got some episodic serials as the headstart for his career but sadly he couldnt do much in acting.He took YouTube as a hobby in 2010 because he was always interested in videography.Despite handling his family business, he is now amongst the top moto-vloggers in India.His vlog about moto trip to Ladakh helped him to gain a huge number of subscribers on his YouTube channel.In 2017, he went for K2K (Kanyakumari to Kasmir) ride on a bike to meet his fans all over the country.He admits that he is cool but a short-tempered guy.


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