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LIVE BAND Minus One Degree

Minus One Degree

Minus One Degree

-1 Degree is an alternative/metal core band; its hunger for the music is its sole inspiration and only thing that gets it going!

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60 - 90

mins of stage time


can travel
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My Compelling Story

-1 Degree is an alternative/metal core band from the largest city of Gujarat, Ahmedabad, that was founded in the mid of 2011. The founders of this band are Hait Parikh on vocals/guitar and Siddharth Bhayani on drums, who initially started playing punk rock following nirvana, madness and mindless spirit. The band got stabilized with the entry of Max D'Costa on lead guitar and Priyank Soya on bass. Their first track ‘Rich Beggars’ went as a confidence booster for the band members. Achievements: Best Band of the Year ‘Metamorphosis 2014’ Runners-up at Blithchron 2014, IIT Gandhinagar Runners-up at At-mosh-sphere-2014, PDPU Winner at Headbanger's Ball-2014, NIRMA UNI Band Members: Hait Parikh – Lead Vocalist Siddharth Bhayani – Drummer Max D'costa – Guitarist Priyank Soya – Bass Guitarist Dwit Hathi – Rythm Guitarist

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