Jaya Ojha

Jaya Ojha

Does Jaya Ojha smoke?: Not Know.Does Jaya Ojha drink alcohol?: Not Known.

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Does Jaya Ojha smoke?: Not Know.Does Jaya Ojha drink alcohol?: Not Known.Jaya Ojha grew an interest in acting and singing during her college and pursued a masters degree in Hindustani Vocal Music.She had worked in a few Rajasthani movies when she was in college.Jaya Ojha has been a part of epic TV series like Ramayana, The Sword of Tipu Sultan (1990) and The Great Maratha (1994) at the beginning of her career.After getting married she took a few years break to focus on her family.She has been an active theater artist as well and is a part of a theater group named Yatri since 2005.She met her husband in a reality show, where she had participated as a contestant.