Jay Bhambhani

Jay Bhambhani

A rare and unadulterated connection of dots between slapstick, fantasy, cringe, personal, observational and fantasy (non-sexual) type of humour.

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Performance details


Performing Members


Off Stage Members

20 - 50

mins of stage time


can travel


Performing Language

Artist Insights

Jay’s a 30 year old stand-up and has been performing across Delhi, Mumbai and Dubai for over a year now. A lawyer errr… corporate lawyer by profession, Jay got into comedy when his inner voice realized that there should be more to life than drafting agreements, being rich, closing multi-million dollar deals and being rejected by paralegals. In other words, he realized that he’s no Harvey Specter and is just another first year Mike Ross, without the photographic memory.Growing in a household of females, Jay’s personality displays a strong ironic figure demonstrating a perfect example of (a failed attempt at being) a male feminist who doesn't understand feminism.He mostly jokes about the minute disregarded difficulties the youth face in day to day affairs of their lives. He presents his jokes in his own shy, aggressive, introverted, in your face and awkward way.Be warned though, his jokes can be long, incomprehensible and unenforceable; much like the contracts that he drafts.He even does great mimicry of unfamiliar personalities like him, his alter ego and Sikko, his lifelong imaginary comrade since the third grade.All in all, Jay's a one of a kind nice guy who does not finish last and always comes first, especially during intercourse.


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