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LIVE BAND Harmanpreet & Parry G

Harmanpreet & Parry G

Harmanpreet & Parry G

Harmanpreet & Parry G is considered a brilliant combination; the former has a sweet voice while the latter does an amazing rap!

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60 - 90

mins of stage time


can travel
Performing Language

My Compelling Story

If Harmanpreet's voice were a body, then Parry G would become the shadow – giving another dimension to their talent. It's like a 'desi-meets-videshi' cocktail! Harmanpreet & Parry G have incredible timing. Synchronization in song and rap was initially a difficult task for the duo, but hard work and dedication gave them huge success. The duo leaves the audiences hooked, as the acts have something unique to offer. There isn’t a time where the audiences don't end up asking for more. Both of them sing and rap their hearts out, with thorough passion, and this makes their combination perfect – in terms of being at par with each other.

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