Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh

Does Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh smoke?: Yes.Does Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh alcohol?: Yes.

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Does Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh smoke?: Yes.Does Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh alcohol?: Yes.Although he was born in a Sikh family, since his childhood, he wasnt inclined towards any particular religious faith.His father, Maghar Singh, was a landlord in Rajasthans Sri Ganganagar district.His mother, Naseeb Kaur, was a very orthodox-woman and a god-fearing housewife.When Gurmeet was a child, Maghar Singh came in contact with Dera Sacha Sauda (founded by Baba Balochistani Beparwah Mastana ji).Maghar Singh became a follower of Shah Satnam Singh (the then Dera head) and devoted a lot of time in spreading Deras thoughts.Gurmeet Singhs friend, Gurjant Singh, was jailed after he avenged his uncles murder. While in jail, Gurjant was radicalised by separatist Khalistani militants.By that time, Gurmeet had become a full-time Dera-worker, doing odd jobs like driving a tractor or assisting his father in Seva.When Shah Satnam (the then Dera head), in an unexpected move, announced that he would retire after handing over the leadership to a successor, Gurmeet was nowhere in the picture as there were 3 contenders for becoming the Dera Chief. However, in a surprise move, Shah Satnam appointed Gurmeet Singh his successor and gave him the name Huzoor Maharaj Gurmeet Ram Rahim.


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