Ghulam Nabi Azad

Ghulam Nabi Azad

Ghulam Nabi Azad is an Indian politician and a former member of the Indian National Congress.

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Ghulam Nabi Azad is an Indian politician and a former member of the Indian National Congress. He was the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir (2005-2008) and the Minister of Health and Family Welfare (2009-2014). On 26 August 2022, he resigned from the party because of his resentment toward the party leaders.Azad was part of the INC for more than four decades. Ghulam Nabi Azad with Indira Gandhi.Azad served as a member of the Congress Parliamentary Board headed by Rajiv Gandhi till his death in May 1991. Ghulam Nabi Azad with Rajiv Gandhi.In 2005, he was the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs under the Manmohan Singh government. An old image of Ghulam Nabi Azad with Dr. Manmohan Singh.In 2012, he was appointed as the Health Minister of India. He expanded the National Rural Health Mission all across India, and also launched a National Urban Health Mission for the urban poor. During one of his interactions with the media, he suggested that people should get married between the age of 25 and 30 to control the population. He also suggested that due to the lack of electricity in rural areas, people tend to produce more babies. In a statement, he said, If there is electricity in every village, people will watch TV till late night and then fall asleep. They won”t get a chance to produce children. When there is no electricity, there is nothing else to do but produce babies.” Ghulam Nabi Azad giving lecture on National Rural Health Mission 2012.In 2021, when Azad’s tenure as a member of Rajya Sabha ended, Prime minister Narendra Modi got teary-eyed while talking about him. During the speech, he said, There was a terrorist attack and eight people in Gujarat were killed. The first call I received was from Ghulam Nabi ji. The call was not just to inform me of the incident, but his tears were not stopping on the phone. It was of concern, like a family member.”.During his farewell from Rajya Sabha, Azad said that he was proud of being a Hindustani Muslim. In the speech, he said, I am among those fortunate people who never went to Pakistan. When I read about circumstances in Pakistan, I feel proud to be a Hindustani Muslim. If any Muslim should feel proud in the world, it should be the Indian Muslim. Over the years, we have seen how Muslims countries from Afghanistan to Iraq getting destroyed. There are no Hindus or Christians there – they are fighting amongst themselves.”.On 16 August 2022, Azad resigned from the post of chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Congress campaign committee. In an interview, one of the members of the party talked about Azad leaving the committee and said, The newly constituted campaign committee has ignored the aspirations of the party’s grassroot workers in J&K. Injustice has been meted out to them. That’s why Ghulam Nabi Azad has resigned as he was unsatisfied with the committee.”.In June 2022, he said his name should not be on Congress’ Rajya Sabha nominations. In an interview, while talking about this, he said, Today a generation gap has come between the youth running the party and us. There is a difference between our thinking and their thinking. So the youth are not willing to work with the party veterans.”.On 26 August 2022, he resigned from all positions including primary membership of the Indian National Congress. In his resignation letter, he stated Rahul Gandhi was the reason for the destruction of the party. He further said that Rahul Gandhi was appointed vice-president of the party in 2013 and all senior and experienced leaders were sidelined. On 28 August 2022, he said that he would not join BJP after rumours of him joining BJP surfaced.


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