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LIVE BAND Eclipse Alchemy

Eclipse Alchemy

Eclipse Alchemy

Eclipse Alchemy is a LIVE band that has won several competitions across the nation with its powerful metal music!

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Performing Members


Off Stage Members

60 - 90

mins of stage time


can travel
Performing Language

My Compelling Story

Eclipse Alchemy is a LIVE band based out of the beautiful city of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The band has performed several LIVE shows across the country and won many competitions as well. The band has also composed some of the most enigmatic songs such as The Chosen One, Betrayal, Shattered, Time Space Continuum. Eclipse Alchemy has been the winner of Ragam (2011), Chaos (2012).Finalist at Saarang (2012), etc. The band is greatly influenced by Lamb of God, Meshuggah, Slayer, Pantera, etc.  

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Book Eclipse Alchemy for Corporate

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Exhibition

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Fashion Show

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Inauguration

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Kids Party

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Photo/Video Shoot

Book Eclipse Alchemy for Private Party

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