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LIVE BAND Cypher The Band

Cypher The Band

Cypher The Band

Cypher The Band is one of Bangalore''s most prominent name among the classic rock bands; they sound tight, raw, and wicked!

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My Compelling Story

Cypher The Band is a LIVE act based out of the IT capital of India, Bangalore. The band was formed when Shivani and Ron, being members of a blues project called The 3 O' clock, decided to form a classic hard rock/heavy metal band as they always believed that rock music has influenced them like nothing else. After numerous auditions, they providentially met D’monty (ex-August Bliss and an active member of The Iron Horses) and Ashish (ex-August Bliss and an active session guitarist for GATC) who were looking for a caroller and a drummer, having got their band split-up. That's how the line-up has been formed. At a later point in time, they felt the need of another guitarist and the solo-er Partha joined them. With Ashish leaving the band, the very talented Saurav (having played with Partha in his college days) has joined the band to make some great music. Since then, the band has five members until recently when lead vocalist Shivani had decided to pursue her interests and move on, thus parting ways from this association. Band Members: Bass Guitar, Backing Vocals – D'Monty Lead, Rhythm Guitar – Partha Lead, Rhythm Guitar – Saurav Drums, Percussions – Ronal Lead Vocals – David

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