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Book Motivational in India


Life is so boring to live with rules. Its good to be creative & innovative. Live life , travel the world , explore max, do what you want, LIVE not SURVIVE

Simerjeet Singh
Simerjeet Singh

Simerjeet Singh is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and corporate trainer with over ten years of work experience

Gulraj Singh Shahpuri
Gulraj Singh Shahpuri

Gulraj S. Shahpuri is a sought after speaker to conduct Leadership programs & keynotes. His message is powerful & heartfelt and techniques are practical.

Digital Gandhi
Digital Gandhi

Onkar K Khullar, aka Digital Gandhi, is a four-time TEDx speaker as well as India''s first IMPACT speaker

Mangal Hathur
Mangal Hathur

A famous Punjabi writer and speaker who talks to make people happy, energetic, and focused; he preaches things that can change lives

Colonel Aalok Sood
Colonel Aalok Sood

Writer, Author, Human Curator, Transformer, Motivational and Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Therapist, Consultant Human Resource/Capital, Leadership Trainer

Harpreet Gaba
Harpreet Gaba

Harpreet Gaba is an Indian TV personality, a young businessman Elocutionist and a celebrity who attained a big platform in his life.

Navjot Singh Sidhu
Navjot Singh Sidhu

Navjot believes that, Encouragement is like premium gasoline,it helps you take a knockout of life. Keeping this in mind he inspires everyone