Anusha Dandekar

Anusha Dandekar

Does Anusha Dandekar smoke?: No.Does Anusha Dandekar drink alcohol?: Not Known.

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Does Anusha Dandekar smoke?: No.Does Anusha Dandekar drink alcohol?: Not Known.Anusha spent most of her childhood in Australia and moved from Sydney to Mumbai at the age of 19 in 2002, and tried her luck in MTV veejay search to get her dream job.Same year, she started her career by hosting a fashion television show, MTVs House of Style.In 2003, she made her first Bollywood appearance in the film Mumbai Matinee and did a sizzling item number called Lut Gaye in it.In 2009, she won the Best VJ Cosmopolitan Fun Fearless Female Award.She was among the 50 Most Beautiful Women in India Award by Femina Magazine in 2010.She loves singing and in 2012, she launched her first single Better Than Your EX.She and her 2 sisters live in India, but their parents live in Sydney, Australia.During her childhood, she won the Lions Den Award for the Most Charitable Work.


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