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LIVE BAND Annhad The Band

Annhad The Band

Annhad The Band

Putting their heart where their will is, this band has got an excellent hand in superb onstage coordination and knows how to present a power packed sh

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mins of stage time


can travel
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My Compelling Story

Annhad The Band was formed in December 2013 with the aim of creating music for all. So, this is why we call ourselves "Multi-Genre". The band specializes in recreating the popular Sufi Music and Bollywood medleys. After performing in almost every corner of India, we have now gained that sense of audience that how and in what mood the crowd wants to hear music. The Band consists of 7 members with both male and female vocalists. The members of Annhad are trained professional musicians ranging with studies randing from Purest form of music- Indian Classical to the well respected Western music culture.?