Book Violinist in India

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SaxVio believes life is an essence of credits which comes out of sex as in triumphs of saxophone and pain as in melody of violin!

Anic Prabhu
Anic Prabhu

Anic Prabhu, with his soulful music, has acclaimed much appreciation for his style of playing instrumental Bollywood songs

Manas Kumar
Manas Kumar

One among the stellar league of virtuosos in India, Manas's recitals have received acclamation from stalwarts, senior exponents and connoisseurs

Shreya Devnath
Shreya Devnath

Her music is characterised by the freshness and substance with paramount importance given to to aesthetic beauty

Sunita Bhuyan
Sunita Bhuyan

Sunita''s melodious violin playing and superb knowledge about different notes and tunes has won her acclaim across India!

Violinist Vijayaganesh
Violinist Vijayaganesh

Having performed at premier locations in London and Sri Lanka, Vijayaganesh is a premier musical maestro in playing the violin.

Mohd Yaseen Khan
Mohd Yaseen Khan

Amongst the rare few players of Rabab and a master of Violin, Mohd Yaseen Khan has lent his music to numerous movies in a career spanning close to five decades.

Arbin Routh
Arbin Routh

Arbin Routh is a professional violinist hailing from Panipat.

Datta Sai Parsa
Datta Sai Parsa

Datta Sai Parsa is a talented and experienced violinist who has performed at high-ended shows all over the world!

Dream Track
Dream Track

It is an Instrumental band that has worked for several Kannada and Bollywood films; they have received appreciation from some of the most famous music producers

Tom the Fidddler
Tom the Fidddler

Tom''s techniques draw no parallel in this world; many foreign professional violinists regularly seek his guidance

Azeer Muhammed
Azeer Muhammed

With a quite-adorning smile, and a good vibes all around, Azeer carries and shares the same using his violin as the instrument of choice for this purpose.

Sultan Masood
Sultan Masood

He was honored as 'genius of violin' by Ministry of Culture in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2004; adding to his majesty in 2007, he has been titled as a 'SULTAN'!

Rajesh and Troupe
Rajesh and Troupe

As Vibrant as the Rainbow itself, this music troupe is bound to make you groovy with their unique blend and diverse nature of performances.

Darshan Singh Sur
Darshan Singh Sur

Classical violinist; master of improvisation; contemporary performer. Works with a variety of artists like Mrigya, Advaita, Jalebee Cartel, Mame Khan, etc

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